
Here is a link to a trailer of my film dedicated to the Whitney Brothers: 
https://vimeo.com/72089241. Give me your private e-mail and I will send you a 
link to the full version. 

Marcin Gizycki

From: Kasper Lauritzen 
Sent: Saturday, January 17, 2015 12:26 PM
To: frameworks@jonasmekasfilms.com 
Subject: [Frameworks] Contemporary films in James Whitney or 

Dear Frameworks readers,

I'm a university student in Denmark who's currently researching on experimental 
film for a project application, and I was hoping some of you might have some 
recommendations for contemporary works.

Right now I'm trying to trace some classic "genres" or "forms" to contemporary 
times to see how their technique and technology have expanded and how the forms 
have developed.

So far I have been looking at the hand-painted film and how it has been 
expanded by optical printing (for example in the late Stan Brakhage's 
collaborations with Sam Bush) and other kinds of re-photographing (for example 
Stephanie Maxwell's working process).

Another interest has been Jodie Mack whose work with animating textiles I link 
to the "hyper-animation" principle behind Robert Breer's "Eye Wash", but which 
also draws on graphic design, theory of ornament and more.

Anyway, there are two more "forms" where I was hoping some of you could 
recommend some contemporary films that work in and explore these traditions.

The first is the sort of "atomized animation" form that is known from James 
Whitney's "Yantra" and "Lapis" (and to some extent Jordan Belson's "Allures"). 
What I mean by that is works where the image is atomized into some sort of 
"particles" that move through regular mathetical paths and result in 
shape-shifting patterns. The important thing is that the particles shift 
between order and disorder within seconds, while maintaining a sense of 
mathematical system "below" them.
I know that Wiley Wiggins has made some Whitney-inspired animations (for 
example one called "Catalog" - https://vimeo.com/13882251 ) but I was wondering 
who else is out there.

The other "form" is the classical Brakhage style where the screen provides a 
continuous synthesis of images where different 'realms' are juxtaposed and 
transcended - for example the micro- and macro-scopic, the inside and outside 
of an object, different material status (photographed, hand-painted, 
computer-generated, or others, and these in combination), and so on. This form 
is related to what Youngblood calls "syncretism" in "Expanded Cinema". The 
latest example I could find of this was Brakhage's "Yggdrasil" (1997) but I was 
hoping to find some later works, perhaps even by younger generations of 

Just to specify, by "comtemporary" I mean works produced in this century, and 
I'm hoping to find films that have their own artistic vision with the form 
rather than just making tributes.

All help will be appreciated :)

Best regards,

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