Hi Floris,

Try www.filmtechniek.nl for any filmequipment-related questions, they have a 
fantastic r&d department.
Try http://www.mtsaudiovisueel.nl for any slideprojector-related questions.
Try Daan Johan for any custom electronics : http://www.macular.nl/?page_id=278

Have a great screening !


> On 14 Feb 2015, at 16:01, Floris Vanhoof <2206...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear,
> I was off the list for a while and saved up questions.
> All help is greatly appreciated. 
> Please mail me back at 2206rec "at" gmail "dot" com or on this list.
> -I'm building an installation where 2 Eiki 16mm projectors need 
> electronically controlled focus and zoom.
> Do automatic or electronic controlled lenses exist for 16mm projecors? 
> Or do I need to build motors that move my original zoom lenses?
> Anyone tried this already?
> Anyone in the world likes to help with this? 
> -The other installation I'm going to make has 4 flickering slide projectors.
> In live screenings I use an old "Multiscreen Pro Fade" unit for this.
> But I'd like a faster computer controlled system,
> to make the projector lamps flicker at rates from 1 second to 1/50th of a 
> second.
> Any system you can recommend? 
> Do you know a technician for this in Belgium or the Netherlands?
> -Is there a technician you can recommend in Belgium or the Netherlands who 
> can make one functioning unit out of two half broken Honyewell Repronars?
> -I can't get any grain out of my AgfaPhoto Precisa CT100 35mm slide film.
> Using a slide copier and under exposing & over developing 2 stops didn't 
> bring it.
> Are there other tricks?
> -Is there a micro photographer in Belgium or the Netherlands who could help 
> me one afernoon with his gear?
> -Tomorrow we will screen Lilian Swhartz' films in AB, Brussels, free entrance!
> http://tinyurl.com/k8bdjwf
> Best wishes, 
> Floris Vanhoof
> www.endlesswebsite.tk
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