There are lots of books, here are some, arranged chronologically by date of

Frank Stauffacher and Richard Foster, *Art in Cinema* (catalog, 1946)

Lewis Jacobs, “Experimental Cinema in America 1921-1947” in *The Rise of
the American Film* (1948)

Roger Manvell, *Experiment in the Film* (1949)

Robert Pike, *A Critical Study of the West Coast Experimental Film Movement*
(UCLA dissertation, 1960)

Gregory Battcock, *The New American Cinema* (1967)

Sheldon Renan, *An Introduction to the American Underground Film *(1967)

Parker Tyler, *The Underground Film: A Critical History* (1968)

Gene Youngblood, *Expanded Cinema* (1970)

David Curtis, *Experimental Cinema *(1971)

Annette Michelson, *Artforum: Structural Film* (special issue), September

Dennis Wheeler, ed., *Form and Structure in Recent Film* (catalog,
1972) Annette
Michelson, *New Forms in Film. Montreux, August 3/24 1974* (catalog, 1974)

P. Adams Sitney, *Visionary Film* (1974)

P. Adams Sitney, ed. *The Essential Cinema: Essays on the Films in the
Collection of the Anthology Film Archives* (1975)

Standish Lawder, *The Cubist Cinema* (1975)

Robert Russett & Cecile Starr, *Experimental Animation* (1977)

Malcolm Le Grice, *Abstract Film and Beyond* (1977)

Maureen Turim, *Abstraction in Avant-Garde Films* (1978/85)

Lauren Rabinovitz,* Points of Resistance: Women, Power, and Politics in the
New York Avant-garde Cinema, 1943-71* (1989, reprinted 2003)

William Wees, *Light Moving in Time: Studies in the Visual Aesthetics of
Avant-Garde Film *(1992)

Bart Testa, *Back and Forth: Early Cinema and the Avant-Garde* (1992)

Scott MacDonald, *Avant-Garde Film Motion Studies* (1993)

William C. Wees, *Recycled Images* (1993)

Robert Haller, *First Light: Abstract Light Forms* (1998)

Jan-Christopher Horak, *Lovers of Cinema: The First American Film
Avant-Garde, 1919-1945* (1998)

Bruce Posner, *Unseen Cinema: Early American Avant-Garde Film 1893-1941*

Chrissie Iles, *Into the Light: The Projected Image in American Art
1964-1977* (catalog, 2001)

Sophie Duplaix, *Sons et Lumieres* (catalog, 2004)

Peter Weibel, *Light Art from Artificial Light* (catalog, 2005)

Kerry Brougher, *Visual Music *(catalog, 2005)

David E. James, *The Most Typical Avant-Garde: History and Geography of
Minor Cinemas in Los Angeles* (2005)

Jeffrey Skoller, *Shadows, Specters, Shards: Making History in Avant-Garde
Film* (2005)

Paul Arthur, *Line of Sight: American Avant-Garde Film Since 1965* (2005)

Dominique Willoughby, *Le Cinema Graphique *(2009)

Dieter Daniels, *See This Sound: Audiovisuology Compendium* (vols 1 & 2)

A. L. Rees, *A History of Experimental Film and Video* (2011)

A. L. Rees, et al, *Expanded Cinema: Art, Performance, Film* (2011)

Enzo Terano, *On the Birth of Experimental Cinema* (2011)

Christian Keining and Heinrich Adolf, *Der Absolute Film: Dokumente der
Medienavantgarde (1912-1936)* (2012)

Michael Betancourt, *The History of Motion Graphics* (2013)

Aimee Mollaghan, *The Visual Music Film* (2015)

and some monographs on/by artists:

John Whitney, *Digital Harmony* (1980)

Leonardo Quaresima, *Walter Ruttmann: Cinema, Pittura, Ars Acustica* (1994)

Fosta Werner and Bengt Edlund, *Viking Eggeling Diagonalsymfonin* (1998)

Jean-Michel Bouhours and Roger Horrocks, *Len Lye *(catalog, 2000)

William Moritz, *Optical Poetry* (2004)

Cindy Keefer and Jaap Guldemond, *Oskar Fischinger: 1900-1967* (2012)

Have fun!

Michael Betancourt
Savannah, GA USA | | the avant-garde film & video blog

On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 9:56 AM, Dorottya Szalay <> wrote:

> Hi Frameworkers,
> I'm trying to get references on "abstract film".
> I went through Malcolm LeGrice's book (Abstract Film and Beyond) and I
> would like to know more. First of all I would like to track down the origin
> of the term "abstract film". Who used it first? Who was the first known
> filmmaker who defined his films "abstract"? Was it Bruno Corra? (Abstract
> Cinema - Chromatic Music).
> So I would be very happy if you could recommend more literature (books,
> articles, dissertations etc.) on the topic.
> I was hoping that Raphael Bassan's* Cinema et abstraction* will be
> available in English but I haven't found it yet. Does anyone know anything
> about the current state of the translation?
> Thank you!
>   Dorottya Szalay
>   CZ: + 420 605 571 271
>   HU: + 36 70 359 9223
> <>
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