Some of Brakhage's animal studies might fit -- such as "The Domain of the Moment" or "The Presence"

Marilyn Brakhage

On 7-Dec-15, at 8:37 AM, Marco Poloni wrote:

Dear Frameworkers,

I am writing you to ask if you could indicate me some films that are
connected to the concept of the anthropocene (the geological time when
the activity of the human species started to have a significant impact
on the living system of planet earth).

I am giving a workshop in Finland end January about cinema in the
anthropocene. The concept is not so much about how to narrate the
anthropocene (i.e. classical narrative in a new cultural framework)
than about trying to tell stories or represent life from a
point-of-view that is not anthropocentric: a point of view that
rethinks or goes beyond the dualism between human and non-human
agency. In simple words, as absurd as it sounds, is it possible to
make films from the point of view of non-human agents? (even if, in
the end, humans made them)

A couple of examples that come to my mind are “Leviathan” by
Castaing-Taylor, “Intrepid Shadows”, the Navajo film made by Alfred
Clah which presents an animistic view of life, but this is a short
list... I am trying to avoid films that somehow merge humans with
mother earth, like in some shots of Tarkovski or Malick, and any
romanticizing of system earth.

Any suggestions would be great!

Many thanks,

Marco Poloni


Marco Poloni
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