A 16mm print of Tony Conrad's *Film Feedback *is distributed in 16mm by
Canyon Cinema.
1974, 15 minutes.
Yeah I think it's a candle but it's basically "the" rectangle. White
screen, filmed in negative becomes black, re-projected & filmed, processed
again, re-projected/filmed pos/neg/pos/neg/etc. Becomes rectangles within
rectangles within rectangles, alternating black/white/black/white,
receding. At one point there is a little jam, a little frame line stutter,
this (presumable) accidental gesture is re-photographed in subsequent
iterations of the series and becomes a major event in this "minimalist"
film. Now that I've written this I'm not 100% certain of presence of the
on-screen the candle.

This film recalls (to me) a series of performance films by William Raban
titled *2'45* (1973), in which the filmmaker, standing in front of a
screen, speaks a short description of the *2'45* project and is
filmed—single take—in 16mm sync sound. The resultant married print is then
projected (with sound), say a day later, with the filmmaker making the same
speech (so he's on screen and in real life; get it?), this combo also being
sync filmed. The result is then projected (so there's two of him on screen,
rectangle within rectangle, receding) while he speaks, etc etc etc. 16mm
feedback loop but not instantaneous; there's about a day lag between
segments. No it's not endlessly ongoing; it's a different version on
different occasions.

Steve Polta

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Pip Chodorov <framewo...@re-voir.com>

> I can provide Lemaitre's film if you are interested.
> Isou's film ON VENOM AND ETERNITY is an earlier iteration, Lemaitre went
> farther into self-recursion (a film about itself).
> Pip
> At 22:47 -0800 13/01/16, Cinema Project wrote:
>> In regards to "well-deployed spoilers," I might look into Maurice
>> LeMaître's "Le film est déjà commencé?" from 1952. It was a Lettrist film
>> and supposed staged provocation. There's some accounts/ info on it in
>> Off-Screen Cinema by Kaira M Cabañas.
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