I am pleased to announce the publication of Millennium Film Journal No. 64 
"Image Machines." The cover is a picture of Tony Conrad, echoing MFJ No. 19 
from 1987, which some of you may remember. Abby Child's personal remembrance of 
Tony is one of the highlights of the issue.

The issue also includes a comprehensive discussion of the work of legendary 
filmmakers Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi by Greg de Cuir and Miriam 
de Rosa, Vera Dika's insightful essay on a film by Stephanie Wuertz, Nina 
Yuen's artist pages, reviews, and, as always, much more. 

Table of contents: http://www.mfj-online.org/mfj-64-toc-2/

I know many frameworkers are subscribers. You should have your copy already. If 
not, please get in touch.

The Millennium Film Journal depends entirely on sales, subscriptions and 
advertising. We receive no outside funding. Please help us continue into our 
39th year of publication by subscribing or purchasing the current issue or back 

MFJ No. 64 is only $12 + shipping   www.mfj-online.org    Frameworkers: use the 
MAYA code for an extra discount on subscriptions.

Grahame Weinbren
Senior Editor
Millennium Film Journal


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