
I have made films many of which respond to my rural setting in Northern 
California, specifically western Sonoma County, for over 30 years.  You might 
be interested in my film "Seasonal Forces" which is is available from Canyon 
SEASONAL FORCES reveals the dissonance of human and natural conjunctions 
unfolding in many rural areas . I draw on footage shot over the past 25 years - 
some appropriated from commercial resources, some hand-processed - an 
accumulation of textures which illuminate the film's fabric of memory. A 
wisteria arbor in bloom collapses under the weight of a late Spring rain, is 
rebuilt and repeats its cycle. In between occur an arson, flood, earthquake, 
planting and the harvest. 

In addition, my  "Home Entertainment Center for a Farmworker" directly 
confronts agricultural pesticide abuse in the form of a film/video sculpture.  
I'll be happy to provide more information if you are interested.

good luck with your project,

Janis Crystal Lipzin
On Nov 18, 2016, at 4:00 AM, wrote:

> Send FrameWorks mailing list submissions to
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of FrameWorks digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: Films on Farming (Linda Fenstermaker)
>   2. Re: Films on Farming (Francisco Torres)
>   3. Films on Gold and Gold Mining (Jana Debus)
>   4. Re: Films on Gold and Gold Mining (Francisco Torres)
>   5. Re: Films on Gold and Gold Mining (Dave Tetzlaff)
>   6. Re: Films on Gold and Gold Mining (
>   7. Re: Films on Gold and Gold Mining (alena williams)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2016 08:28:43 -0800
> From: Linda Fenstermaker <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Films on Farming
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Thank you all for the inspiring links and title suggestions. Dave, I agree
> that this is a relatively unexplored subject for experimental makers, which
> is why I put out a call to see if others knew of more films that dealt with
> farming than I did. I am also a filmmaker that works on a small scale
> vegetable farm in the Northwest and am constantly inspired by the work and
> surroundings. I am interested in where films inspired by farming falls
> between landscape film, documentary and experimental works. Thanks again
> for all the leads!
> Linda Fenstermaker
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Dave Tetzlaff <>
> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
> Cc:
> Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:44:30 -0800
> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Films on Farming
>> Mala Leche (2003) by Naomi Uman
> 'Mala Leche' is a racist/classist/xenophobic POS about a Mexican immigrant
> family living in a slum in California.
> The film about farming is just ‘Leche’ (1998) a totally romanticized vision
> of life on a rural Mexican dairy farm, then the home of the family later
> featured in ‘Mala Leche’.
> The companion pieces are opposites, ‘Leche’ dreamy-positive; ‘Mala Leche’
> fetid-negative, but each, in their own way, ideologically clueless and
> corrupt.
> ______________
> A wonderful, unorthodox (if not exactly experimental) farming related short
> film: Chuck Statlers ‘Ain’t We Having Fun’ — scenes from the annual turkey
> festival in Worthington, MN.
> Back in the previous decade when I was attending UFVA regularly, I saw
> several experimental shorts about animal rights issue in terms of animal
> farming and slaughter made by a PhD student than at Kansas named Mark von
> Schlemmmer. I just Googled him, and he’s teaching at Central Missouri know.
> He has a Youtube page at:
> PL7691C304BAC252F5
> As I recall the pieces, what they lack in polish may be made offset for
> your purpose by the subject and the passion applied to it.
> ______________
> It seems to me a lot of the requests here for ‘experimental films about
> [topic X]’ are for topics not only where few, if any, experimental films
> exist, but also, like ‘farming’, the sort of concrete subjects experimental
> films rarely if ever actually address or illuminate even when some element
> of that topic has been in front of the lens.
> That said, ‘farming’ strikes me as a kind of rich but unexplored territory
> for inspiration or connection or material for many of the kinds of things
> experimental makers do.
> It’s certainly true that most makers have lived in and taken images from
> cities. When leaving the urban, experimental work has most often been
> wrapped up in Romantic concepts of ‘nature’. (I had to laugh at Adam’s
> reference to "tilling fields & harvesting crops and working the soil’.)
> Farming’ is pretty much marked by taming nature and bending it to a sort of
> broad social will, with as much high tech as any big industry. So if an
> experimental maker got out to farmland as it actually is, there’d be all
> kinds of objects and actions that could serve as ostrananie to city folks,
> and be grist for the mill of creative eyes and minds: giant combine
> machines and elevators and irrigation systems, de-tasseling brigades…
> Someone could do a cool ‘found footage’ piece cu from the TV ads that play
> in Iowa, both local spots and big-budget high-production-value campaigns
> for hybrid seed brands, fertilizer, herbicides and insecticides…. "Whether
> you incorporate you atrazine or add it later, we have the right stuff for
> you!"
> -------------- next part --------------
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
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> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2016 18:44:08 -0400
> From: Francisco Torres <>
> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Films on Farming
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Dave Tetzlaff- 'The companion pieces are opposites, ‘Leche’
> dreamy-positive; ‘Mala Leche’ fetid-negative, but each, in their own way,
> ideologically clueless and corrupt.''
> Which makes me wonder why do most filmmakers when making
> ''social''/''ethnographic'' films usually go outside their own group and
> choose some ''outsider'' group? After all the group they know the best is
> their own so why not make films about their own people? Because most times
> when they look out they get everything wrong and the films end up a mess....
> 2016-11-17 12:28 GMT-04:00 Linda Fenstermaker <>:
>> Thank you all for the inspiring links and title suggestions. Dave, I agree
>> that this is a relatively unexplored subject for experimental makers, which
>> is why I put out a call to see if others knew of more films that dealt with
>> farming than I did. I am also a filmmaker that works on a small scale
>> vegetable farm in the Northwest and am constantly inspired by the work and
>> surroundings. I am interested in where films inspired by farming falls
>> between landscape film, documentary and experimental works. Thanks again
>> for all the leads!
>> Linda Fenstermaker
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Dave Tetzlaff <>
>> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
>> Cc:
>> Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2016 19:44:30 -0800
>> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Films on Farming
>>> Mala Leche (2003) by Naomi Uman
>> 'Mala Leche' is a racist/classist/xenophobic POS about a Mexican immigrant
>> family living in a slum in California.
>> The film about farming is just ‘Leche’ (1998) a totally romanticized
>> vision of life on a rural Mexican dairy farm, then the home of the family
>> later featured in ‘Mala Leche’.
>> The companion pieces are opposites, ‘Leche’ dreamy-positive; ‘Mala Leche’
>> fetid-negative, but each, in their own way, ideologically clueless and
>> corrupt.
>> ______________
>> A wonderful, unorthodox (if not exactly experimental) farming related
>> short film: Chuck Statlers ‘Ain’t We Having Fun’ — scenes from the annual
>> turkey festival in Worthington, MN.
>> Back in the previous decade when I was attending UFVA regularly, I saw
>> several experimental shorts about animal rights issue in terms of animal
>> farming and slaughter made by a PhD student than at Kansas named Mark von
>> Schlemmmer. I just Googled him, and he’s teaching at Central Missouri know.
>> He has a Youtube page at:
>> aylist?list=PL7691C304BAC252F5
>> As I recall the pieces, what they lack in polish may be made offset for
>> your purpose by the subject and the passion applied to it.
>> ______________
>> It seems to me a lot of the requests here for ‘experimental films about
>> [topic X]’ are for topics not only where few, if any, experimental films
>> exist, but also, like ‘farming’, the sort of concrete subjects experimental
>> films rarely if ever actually address or illuminate even when some element
>> of that topic has been in front of the lens.
>> That said, ‘farming’ strikes me as a kind of rich but unexplored territory
>> for inspiration or connection or material for many of the kinds of things
>> experimental makers do.
>> It’s certainly true that most makers have lived in and taken images from
>> cities. When leaving the urban, experimental work has most often been
>> wrapped up in Romantic concepts of ‘nature’. (I had to laugh at Adam’s
>> reference to "tilling fields & harvesting crops and working the soil’.)
>> Farming’ is pretty much marked by taming nature and bending it to a sort of
>> broad social will, with as much high tech as any big industry. So if an
>> experimental maker got out to farmland as it actually is, there’d be all
>> kinds of objects and actions that could serve as ostrananie to city folks,
>> and be grist for the mill of creative eyes and minds: giant combine
>> machines and elevators and irrigation systems, de-tasseling brigades…
>> Someone could do a cool ‘found footage’ piece cu from the TV ads that play
>> in Iowa, both local spots and big-budget high-production-value campaigns
>> for hybrid seed brands, fertilizer, herbicides and insecticides…. "Whether
>> you incorporate you atrazine or add it later, we have the right stuff for
>> you!"
>> _______________________________________________
>> FrameWorks mailing list
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2016 14:41:30 -0800
> From: Jana Debus <>
> To:
> Subject: [Frameworks] Films on Gold and Gold Mining
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Dear Frameworkers,
> please help me compile a list of
> Films 
> / expanded cinema 
> / art or research projects
> on Gold and Gold Mining.
> Gold Fever. Prospectors. Forty-niners.
> Thank you all.
> Sincerely,
> Jana
> jana debus
> email
> cellphone +1 415 202 3193
> All information contained in this document is confidential. 
> Any use beyond intended use is unethical and strictly prohibited.   
> -------------- next part --------------
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> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2016 21:02:45 -0400
> From: Francisco Torres <>
> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Films on Gold and Gold Mining
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Gold Diggers, The (1983)
> 2016-11-17 18:41 GMT-04:00 Jana Debus <>:
>> Dear Frameworkers,
>> please help me compile a list of
>> Films
>> / expanded cinema
>> / art or research projects
>> on Gold and Gold Mining.
>> Gold Fever. Prospectors. Forty-niners.
>> Thank you all.
>> Sincerely,
>> Jana
>> jana debus
>> email
>> cellphone +1 415 202 3193
>> All information contained in this document is confidential.
>> Any use beyond intended use is unethical and strictly prohibited.
>> _______________________________________________
>> FrameWorks mailing list
> -------------- next part --------------
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> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2016 18:48:14 -0800
> From: Dave Tetzlaff <>
> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Films on Gold and Gold Mining
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> The Man Who Invented Gold; Christopher Maclaine
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2016 20:10:13 -0700
> From: <>
> To: "Experimental Film Discussion List"
>       <>
> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Films on Gold and Gold Mining
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL: 
> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2016 21:59:16 -0800
> From: alena williams <>
> To: Experimental Film Discussion List <>
> Subject: Re: [Frameworks] Films on Gold and Gold Mining
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> dear jana,
> this project might be of interest. if you need contact information, feel
> free to reach me off-list.
> with best wishes,
> alena
> *Unearthing Disaster I* (2013)
> (first shown as Corridor X: Postscript to an Unfinished Journey)
> 2-channel HD video, 36min.
> Angela Anderson and Angela Melitopoulos
> About the struggle against the construction of an open-pit gold mine in
> Northeastern Greece. Commissioned by the Berliner Herbstsalon (curated by
> Shermin Langhoff), Gorki Theater, Berlin.
> *Unearthing Disaster II* (2015)
> Single channel 4K video, 26min.
> Angela Anderson and Angela Melitopoulos
> On the disastrous environmental impacts of the construction of an open-pit
> gold mine in Northeastern Greece. Commissioned by the 5 Thessaloniki
> Biennale: Between the Pessimism of the Intellect and the Optimism of the
> Will, curated by Katerina Gregos (June 23 –Sep 30, 2015).
> "Unearthing disaster" is a visual research project by Angela Anderson and
> Angela Melitopoulos focusing on the large-scale open pit gold mine in the
> forest of Skouries in Halkidiki, Northern Greece, and the ongoing
> anti-mining protest movements in the area, which together form a very
> complex example of contemporary “disaster capitalism.”
> Since 2011, when a Canadian mining company received state approval for the
> construction of the open-pit mine and processing plant, as part of Greece’s
> “fast track” investment program enabling the accelerated and barrier-free
> licensing of large scale private investment projects, local communities
> have intensified their struggle against what they see as an ecological
> catastrophe and a threat to their own existence.
> Unearthing disaster is not only about the dirty business of gold mining,
> but implies a catastrophe on different levels: the loss of memory, the loss
> of expression, and the violent calculated and destructive speed of a
> disaster capitalism that literally pulverizes the natural and cultural
> environment.
> This unearthing disaster is put into motion as monstrous shareholder profit
> machinery; an assault that turns a beautiful and pristine environment into
> something that can no longer be recognized as an environment. Not
> recognizing the land you live in means not knowing how to relate to it. So
> in Halkidiki the struggle against the destruction of the territory because
> of goldmining is a struggle for expression. This destruction of landscape
> of old forest, pristine sea and beautiful aquifers is first of all a
> destruction of memory, and the implementation of politics that aims to
> disable our capacity to act.
> Gold mining is not only a vicious consequence of the debt crisis but a form
> of anti-production. It destroys more than it produces. It takes place for
> the price of a dubious idea: that of gold——a not very useful element of the
> earth in which we store financial value and add the idea of infinity or
> divinity.
> The screening of "Unearthing disaster" (2013) will be followed by a
> discussion with Angela Anderson and Angela Melitopoulos mapping out the
> complex situation in Skouries and the various forces, ethics, histories,
> and materialities that are currently at work there. Anderson and
> Melitopoulos are currently working on a second film about Skouries, which
> will be screened at the Thessaloniki Biennale this summer.
> -- 
> <>
> <>
> On Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 2:41 PM, Jana Debus <> wrote:
>> Dear Frameworkers,
>> please help me compile a list of
>> Films
>> / expanded cinema
>> / art or research projects
>> on Gold and Gold Mining.
>> Gold Fever. Prospectors. Forty-niners.
>> Thank you all.
>> Sincerely,
>> Jana
>> jana debus
>> email
>> cellphone +1 415 202 3193
>> All information contained in this document is confidential.
>> Any use beyond intended use is unethical and strictly prohibited.
>> _______________________________________________
>> FrameWorks mailing list
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> End of FrameWorks Digest, Vol 78, Issue 18
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