


This week [January 27 - February 4, 2018] in avant garde cinema

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Red Shift - Gunvor Nelson + Daughters of Chaos - Marjorie Keller <>  [January 
30, San Francisco, California 94103] 

Jr. Star Trek + Alex Bag <>  [January 30, Brooklyn, New York 11222]

FAR OUT FILM FEST (Nashville, TN; Deadline: April 02, 2018)
Winnipeg Underground Film Festival (Winnipeg, MB, Canada; Deadline: March 31, 

Bodies (Naples, Italy; Deadline: January 31, 2018)
All About Photo Awards 2018 | $10.000 prizes (italy ; Deadline: January 31, 
That One Film Festival (Muncie, Indiana; Deadline: February 05, 2018)
Oscillation Transia Film Festival (USA; Deadline: February 21, 2018)

Events are sorted alphabetically BY CITY within each DATE.

This week's programs (summary): 

*       New Year New Works 2018 <>  [January 27, New York, New York] 
*       Light Silences: Super 8 and 16mm Films By Paul Clipson <>  [January 27, 
San Francisco, CA] 
*       Ism, Ism, Ism: Bilingual Aesthetics: Negotiations Between Languages <>  
[January 28, Los Angeles, California] 
*       Ec: Ron Rice / Jack Smith <>  [January 28, New York, NY] 
*       Ec: Carriage Trade <>  [January 28, New York, NY] 
*       I Am My Own Laboratory and Shot On Blood: Kozmikonic Electronica <>  
[January 28, Vancouver, British Columbia] 
*       Jr. Star Trek + Alex Bag <>  [January 30, Brooklyn, New York 11222] 
*       Red Shift - Gunvor Nelson + Daughters of Chaos - Marjorie Keller <>  
[January 30, San Francisco, California 94103] 
*       Daughter of the Dust <>  [January 31, Boston, Massachusetts 02115] 


New York, New York: The Film-Makers' Cooperative/New American Cinema Group
7pm, 475 Park Ave. S. 6th Fl.
> Come to The Coop for our annual film festival New Year New Work 2018! Be Sure 
> to Save the Date and Time: 01/27 + 01/28 2018 @ 7PM See two omnibus programs 
> incluing amazing new work by new and continuing members! Filmmakers include: 
> James Autery, David Baker, Mary Billyou, Bill Brown, Angela Christlieb, 
> Eduardo Darino, Josh Guilford, Tomas Gubernat, Zach Hart, Hannah Hiaasen, 
> Scott Kiernan, Barbara Lattanzi, Janis Lipzin, Simon Liu, Carolina Mandia, 
> Van McElwee, Maria Niro, Rrose Present, MM Serra, Sara Sowell, Mark Street, 
> and Johnny Welch. RSVP i...@film-makerscoop.com 
> <mailto:i...@film-makerscoop.com>  Curated by Mary Billyou, Carolina Mandia 
> and Courtney Muller. $10 suggested donation 

San Francisco, CA: Artists Television Access
8pm, 992 Valencia
A follow-up to the SILENT LIGHTS screening from 2016, this program features a 
new selection of films projected silent for the first time, presenting an 
unusual opportunity to experience these works in a different light. San 
Francisco-based filmmaker Paul Clipson often collaborates with sound artists 
and musicians on films, live performances, and installations. His films aim to 
bring to light subconscious visual preoccupations that reveal themselves while 
working in a stream of consciousness manner, combining densely layered, 
in-camera edited studies of figurative and abstract environments, in a process 
that encourages unplanned-for results, responding to and conversing with the 
temporal qualities of musical composition and live performance. His work has 
screened around the world in festivals and at sound & film events such as the 
International Film Festival Rotterdam, The New York Film Festival and the 
Cinémathèque Fran&ccedilaise. http://www.withinmirrors.org/ Film program (all 
screened on original Super 8mm reversal or 16mm film prints.): COMPOUND EYES 
(2011) Super 8mm, color/B&W, 7 minutes A series of short film studies, 
commissioned by the San Francisco Exploratorium, studying aspects of insect , 
animal life, viewed within a succession of environments in unexpected ways. 
Filmed in the Golden Gate Park Botanical Gardens, Academy of Arts & Sciences 
and San Francisco. ECHO PARK (2007) Super 8mm, 7 min., color/B&W 
Automatic-writing on film, using double exposures, macro imagery, dissolves, 
and in-camera editing to create a dream collage of Los Angeles, from the 
perspective of a plane and an arachnid dancing between water and sun. SUN PLACE 
(2007) Super 8mm, color, 7 minutes Propulsive in-camera editing sends this 
nature collage deep into the embraces of dandelions. CHORUS 16mm (*shot on 
Super 8mm), color, 7 minutes Three cities by night become one in this nocturnal 
journey through images and sounds in which space, color and light pass through 
the eye of the camera to create thoughts visualized before their conception. 
Filmed in San Francisco, New York and Rotterdam. CARIDEA AND ICHTYHES (2011) 
Super 8mm, color/B&W, 6 min. Water, fish and crustaceans overlay a city at 
night. OTHER STATES (2013) Super 8mm, color, 6 minutes An attempt through 
improvised in-camera multiple exposure, to capture a heightened, altered state, 
whether it be anxiety attack, hallucination or vision of madness. Shot in New 
York and San Francisco. LOVE AFTER LOVE (2014) 16mm, color/B&W, 7.5 minutes An 
impressionistic zoom-collage of a woman's walk along the Thames at dusk. LIQUID 
CASKET / WILDERNESS OF MIRRORS (2014) 16mm, color/B&W, 9.5 minutes A restless, 
traveling consciousness flies across lands vast and small, taking note of 
possible futures that hint at humankind's folly of expansion and alienation. 
Filmed in London, Leeds, Glasgow and Scotland TRAJECTIONS (2014) 16mm, color, 
13.5 minutes Tracking shots of streets, alleys, walls, fences, and city 
landscapes are superimposed on top of each other moving in opposite directions- 
a moving collage of spaces passing themselves by. OVER WATER (2006) Super 8mm, 
6 min., color The light and water of wintertime, viewed at 35,000 feet, over 
the U.S., somewhere between the East and West coasts. FEELER (2016) 16mm, 
color,/B&W, 7 minutes An imagining of dreams within dreams, conceived within an 
evolving series of environments, exploring the world: seeing, hearing and 
experiencing light, space, movement and sound in emotional juxtapositions, felt 
first, with an impact of presence, of gesture, of echo and explosion. Being 
experiential, multi-layered, fragmenting and fusing together, a place where 
there's no screen, no theatre, no darkness, only moments. Filmed in New York, 
Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Brisbane, Krakow, Sidney, Napa, Oakland and San 
Francisco. Total Running Time: 83 minutes Program screened by the filmmaker. 


Los Angeles, California: Filmforum
7:30 pm, Spielberg Theatre at the Egyptian, 6712 Hollywood Blvd.
Tickets: $10 general; $6 students/seniors; free for Filmforum members. Tickets 
available in advance at https://bilingualaesthetics.bpt.me or at the door 
Language is a site of social, cultural and geographic agency. Hundreds of 
languages are spoken in Latin America, beyond the Spanish and Portuguese 
imposed with the Conquest. In the context of the Conquest of the Aztec Empire, 
the role of la Malinche, Hernán Cortéz’ translator, interpreter, and lover, was 
a central one, and she remains a potent and contested figure. This program 
explores the movement between languages as a manifestation of identitary 
pluralities. Unleashing the multiplication of heritage and affiliation in our 
contemporary landscape, these films reveal language as a will to power. The 
program ranges from explicit negotiations about land ownership in The Land 
Belongs to Those Who Work It (Chiapas Media Project, Mexico, 2005), in which 
the dialogue switches between Spanish and Tzeltal, to a more abstract 
exploration of a religious Inca celebration of change and new beginnings such 
as Pawqartampu (Felipe Esparza, Peru, 2015). The chief of the Guarani Mimbiá 
tribe narrates the extinction of the Tupinambá tribe in Sérgio Péo’s Ñanderu 
Panorâmica Tupinambá (Brazil, 1991). Vincent Carelli and the Centro de Trabalho 
Indigenista have for many years used video as a tool for activism and 
intercultural communication in remote Amazonian regions, as the short 
documentary A arca dos Zo’é illustrates vividly. 

New York, NY: Anthology Film Archives
6:00 PM, 32 Second Avenue
Jack Smith SCOTCH TAPE (1962, 3 min, 16mm) A junkyard musical. FLAMING 
CREATURES (1963, 45 min, 16mm, b&w) "[Smith] graced the anarchic liberation of 
new American cinema with graphic and rhythmic power worthy of the best of 
formal cinema. He has attained for the first time in motion pictures a high 
level of art which is absolutely lacking in decorum; and a treatment of sex 
which makes us aware of the restraint of all previous filmmakers." -FILM 
CULTURE Ron Rice CHUMLUM (1964, 23 min, 16mm. With Jack Smith, Mario Montez, 
Beverly Grant, and Barbara Rubin. Music by Angus Maclise) "One of the 
underground's best and most influential films." -Peter Gidal Total running 
time: ca. 75 min. 

New York, NY: Anthology Film Archives
8:00 PM, 32 Second Avenue
by Warren Sonbert. "With CARRIAGE TRADE, Sonbert began to challenge the 
theories espoused by the great Soviet filmmakers of the 1920s; he particularly 
disliked the 'knee-jerk' reaction produced by Eisensteinian montage. In both 
lectures and writings about his own style of editing, Sonbert described 
CARRIAGE TRADE as 'a jig-saw puzzle of postcards to produce varied displaced 
effects.' This approach, according to Sonbert, ultimately affords the viewer 
multi-faceted readings of the connections between shots through the spectator's 
assimilation of 'the changing relations of the movement of objects, the 
gestures of figures, familiar worldwide icons, rituals and reactions, rhythm, 
spacing, and density of images." -Jon Gartenberg 

Vancouver, British Columbia: Vancouver International Film Centre
7.15 PM, 1181 Seymour St
Vancouver filmmaker/media artist Oliver Hockenhull will be presenting two new 
films. Q&A Following Screenings. 1. I AM MY OWN LABORATORY (43 minute film — 
2018) reflects on the life work of Amanda Feilding, Director of the Beckley 
Foundation for Consciousness Studies. Infamous for having trepanned herself in 
the early 1970's, as well as being the Countess of Wemyss and March and one of 
the world's most ardent drug policy change advocates and psychedelic pioneers. 
VISIT: FILM & TRAILER https://www.shinynewfilms.com/3954-2/ Produced by Moksha 
Media. 2. SHOT ON BLOOD: KOZMIKONIC ELECTRONICA (57 minutes) The Morphology of 
Nature and its relationship to Digital Imagery Formal issues: 1/2 of the film 
was shot using a hand cranked 35mm camera, a 1912 Bell and Howell 2709 — B. The 
other half of the film was shot in HD. The film was hand processed and using 
the colour matrix and gamma of a hand made emulsion (using my own tinted blood 
cells for grain — based on a 1930’s patent) the film was transferred to high 
definition video. The more abstracted colour layers were created via the 
application of a quite imperfect arnold's cat map on some of the data driven 
coloured hand processed material. An experimental, colourful film on 
electricity & hydro power & British Columbia & the beginnings of cinema via 
Eadweard Muybridge & the energy certificates of the Technocracy party & the 
absolute value of noise & the year 1957 & regional modernism & the Big Bang & 
Vermeer's “Milk Maid” & Poincaré recurrence theorem & the great Canadian cowboy 
singer Wilf Carter & Western Culture & the concept of Grace in Catholic 
painting & the Tathāgatas of Buddhism & Boris Karloff as Frankenstein reaching 
for the light. Previously — Festival Internacional de Arte Experimental, 
Bilbao, Spain » Portland Art Museum/Northwest Film & Video Festival USA » Son & 
Vue, Montreal » Seoul International New Media Festival. For "Shot On Blood"— 
Thanks to the Canada Council for the Arts, BC Arts Council and for loan of 
camera — the NFB. 
 VISIT: https://www.shinynewfilms.com/363-2/ for more info. VISIT: 
https://www.shinynewfilms.com/shot-on-blood-2017-review/ for review VISIT: 
https://goo.gl/fPexL5 to reserve tickets at Vancity Theater 


Brooklyn, New York 11222: Light Industry
7:30pm, 155 Freeman St 
Jr. Star Trek, Peter Emshwiller, 1969, 16mm, 8 mins; Untitled (Project for the 
Whitney Museum), Alex Bag, 2009, digital projection, 38 mins. 

San Francisco, California 94103: Canyon Cinema
7pm, Roxie Theater, 3117 16th St 
Red Shift (1984) Gunvor Nelson; Daughters of Chaos (1980) Marjorie Keller. 
presented in 16mm by Canyon Cinema The personal and poetic cinema of Gunvor 
Nelson's Red Shift and Marjorie Keller's Daughters of Chaos explore 
relationships between mothers and daughters, the mysteries of growing up and 
growing old. RED SHIFT - ALL EXPECTATION Red Shift employs its cascading flow 
of fragmentary sounds and images to weave several strands of ideas and 
sensations into a complex web that moves freely from intriguing 
near-abstraction into poignantly specific articulation. It returns to many 
themes treated in Nelson's earlier films - aging, mortality, the physicality of 
the body, memory, the innate human need for control, the unexpected depiction 
of women, dreams, gaps between fantasy and reality, and gaps between people - 
and cast a passionate eye toward the visual mysteries that make each person and 
object unique. - Steve Anker, The Films of Gunvor Neson in Still Moving (2002) 
DAUGHTERS OF CHAOS Dominated as it is by nonlinear, prismatic editing featuring 
the color red, unfocused close-ups of multihued flowers, and glinting water, 
Daughters of Chaos is like a jewel-encrusted box that both represents and 
responds to the confusing process of becoming a woman in a culture understood 
as patriarchal... This film is both poetic and personal, but it is also 
significantly feminist in its acknowledgment of the complexity of female 
adolescence and in its critique of the seductive institutions that thwart 
women's development. - Robin Blaetz, In the Absence of Marjorie Keller in New 
England Review Vol. 26, No.4 (2005) 


Boston, Massachusetts 02115: Massart Film Society
8pm, 621 Huntington Ave 
Program: Daughters of the Dust (1991, dir. Julie Dash) At the dawn of the 20th 
century, a multi-generational family in the Gullah community on the Sea Islands 
off of South Carolina - former West African slaves who adopted many of their 
ancestors' Yoruba traditions - struggle to maintain their cultural heritage and 
folklore while contemplating a migration to the mainland, even further from 
their roots. The first wide release by a black female filmmaker, "Daughters of 
the Dust" was met with wild critical acclaim and rapturous audience response 
when it initially opened in 1991. Casting a long legacy, "Daughters of the 
Dust" still resonates today, most recently as a major in influence on Beyonce's 
video album "Lemonade." Restored (in conjunction with UCLA) for the first time 
with proper color grading overseen by cinematographer AJ Jafa, audiences will 
finally see the film exactly as Julie Dash intended. Total Run Time: 118 
Minutes Bio: Julie Dash (born October 22, 1952) is an American fil 


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