Seth, check out:

*Geography of the Body* by Willard Maas (1943)
*Fly* by Yoko Ono

On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 8:07 AM, Seth Pimlott <> wrote:

> Dear Frameworkers,
> I am working with some young artists on an artists' anatomy - a  film
> about a body - drawn from the experiences of the group.
> We have looked at the work of Ana Mendieta, and Derek Jarman's *Blue* for
> inspiration.
> But I wanted to ask a question. I wondered if there were some other films
> that you might recommend  - films that might be described as 'subjective'
> maps of the body in one way or another?
> Thank you very much for your time,
> Seth
> --
> Seth Pimlott
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