>From the Recipe Trove website...



1 Tablespoon Shortening
1 pound Ground beef
3 Tablespoons Flour
1 8-oz. can Tomato sauce
2 Tablespoons Chili powder
Salt, to taste
3/4 teaspoon Garlic powder
12 Corn Tortillas
1 pound Cheese, longhorn - coarsely grated
1 large Onion, chopped fine

Melt shortening in heavy skillet. Add the ground meat and brown. Sprinkle
meat with flour; mix in skillet. Add tomato sauce and 1 cup water. Mix 1/2 cup 
water with the chili powder to form a smooth paste; add to the meat mixture. 
Add salt to taste and garlic powder. Cook over medium heat, uncovered, until it 
is of gravy consistency. Cover and simmer over very low heat. Add more water if 
the chili gravy becomes too thick. Dip tortillas one at a time in the hot chili 
gravy with a wide metal spatula. The tortillas will become pliable almost 
immediately, which will make rolling the enchiladas easier. Soaking too long 
will cause the tortillas to fall apart. Place a good sprinkling of grated 
cheese and minced onion and about a tablespoon of the meat mixture to one side 
of the center of the tortilla. Roll tortilla tightly around the filling and 
place loose side down in a glass casserole baking dish. For best results place 
the enchiladas in a row with sides touching. When all enchiladas have been 
formed, pour the remaining hot chili
 gravy over all, and sprinkle generously with grated cheese, and top with 
chopped onion. Bake at 350 degrees. F until the cheese is melted. Serve 
Rhonda G in Missouri


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