Brian May <>

> I thought I would join in here, yet another group, see what it is
> like. After all, it isn't like I have far to walk to get to the
> meetings :-) - I work at VPAC. I am a keen supporter of Free software
> (that is free as in Freedom).

Thanks for introducing yourself. Hopefully you'll find the group of
interest; we have an important and timely topic this month.

> What time do meetings normally end? Dinner? Just asking, because if I
> can attend or not depends on my travel plans being worked out in
> advance. Ideally I need to be on the 7:17pm or 8:11pm Belgrave train
> to meet one of the last two buses for the day.

Dinner is often at a Korean restaurant around the block on Swanston
Street. There was a recent discussion here to perhaps choose a different
restaurant but I think the conclusion was to do the same place.

This month's meeting might go for a while; we normally finish between
20:00 – 20:30, and I expect this one to be at the far end of that. We're
a discussion group rather than a fixed schedule, so don't be ashamed to
bow out early if you need to get home.

 \      “Software patents provide one more means of controlling access |
  `\      to information. They are the tool of choice for the internet |
_o__)                                     highwayman.” —Anthony Taylor |
Ben Finney

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