On 10/03/15 14:16, Scott Junner wrote:
> It appears that yorkbutterfactory.com is available on the 23rd May But not
> the Saturday before.
> Can we nail down some details so I can send him information? Probably best
> to create the Meetup Page for the event before hand. Guy I spoke to seemed
> to want that. I'm happy to make the Meetup page happen if I have the info
> needed. I'm sure it'll take little more than an hour to write up something
> snazzy.

That date sounds as good as any. It's also close to our normal Thursday
meetup that we probably wouldn't run that month - so that's good. I've
added an upcoming event marked "tentative".


Electron Workshop are very happy to have us for monthly Thursday meetups
- just waiting on confirmation that 3rd Thursday is ok. They may be an
option for a weekend event too pending availability.

Had some initial interest from Melbourne Uni computer science and
software engineering dept for a venue. I'm kinda hoping that if they get
involved it might be a good way to get in touch with students and they
might be interested in sponsoring some refreshments. Will have to see.

Anyway, sounds like we may be spoilt for choice, which is awesome.
Thanks Scott! :)


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