>On 29-Jul-99 Mark B. Elrod wrote:
> > we are rewriting the plugin loading stuff for freeamp2 in order to make
> > things more efficiaent and reduce the overall memory footprint. right
> > now every plugin is loaded at the beginning of the program and it stays
> > in memory whether you use it or not. the next version of the plugin
> > manager will only load plugins on demand hopefully saving on some memory
> > usage.
>Demand loading of pages...  on linux at least, you're not going to save any
>memory by having the plugins only load as needed, since the OS already does
>this for you.

Only for the code pages, you would still load the data pages (though 
they would probably be swapped out fairly quickly).


Jason A. Bobier                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Software Engineer                http://www.prismatix.com/
Network Associates, Inc.                Nothing's constant

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