On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Mark B. Elrod wrote:
>Song B
>Song A
>Song C
>should Song A or Song C play next?

It would depend on when the next song is queued.  I.e. if the next song to
play is queued when the current song was started, then it should be C.
But if you don't queue the next song, then whatever is listed after B
should be played, in this case A.

I should mention, in either case, you might have a race condition.  It is
possible (if threads are used), that song B could be moved inside a window
when the selection is done.  My suggestion is to not queue the next song
until the current song finishes.  If the user is moving the song during
the selection, then wait until the user finishes before making the
selection.  This means you need to have locks on the list.

Btw, how many threads are used, and where are they used?


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