Hmm.. Could you send my your /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/fonts.alias file? 
I'll add something from there as yet another fallback...


On 15-Nov-99 Timothy Ball wrote:
> I'm using RH 6.1 w/ xfs to do all the ttf stuff for me. I notice if I
> don't do:
>       xset fp+ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType
>       xset fp rehash
> before I start up freeamp I get the error, "oops, couldn't load _any_
> fonts...". Freeamp spits this out *a lot* So much so that it seems I
> can't really click any buttons.  grepping though the code revieled 
> the call from GTKFont.cpp at around line 80.
> Should I submit this as a bug report into bugzilla? I know fonts in X
> suck rocks, but there's gotta be better ways of doing things. If freeamp
> doesn't find any ttf fonts can it default to using some stnd font like
> Helevica, or the rather crappy Times(adobe) font?
> --timball

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