If I remember correctly, STRICT is only useful for C files, not C++
(which has better type checking).


On Fri, 3 Dec 1999, Mark B. Elrod wrote:

> ahh, i can get rid of the stupid casts now... thanks for making ne think
> about this some more. i remember now that #define STRICT gets rid of this
> problem.
> elrod
> Chad Loder wrote:
> >
> > Hello. I just downloaded the Win32 distribution for 2.0 beta 4. There
> > were several compile, link, and post-build errors, all of which have
> > trivial fixes.
> >
> > FYI, I am using Visual Studio 6 on Windows NT 4.
> >
> > NASM Release/Debug configuration
> >
> > xing project
> >         1) The custom build steps for the .asm files refer to nasm.exe
> >         They should refer only to nasm because many nasm distributions
> >         call this executable namsw.exe, and to reference it as nasm,
> >         I created a batch file called NASM.BAT which contains only
> >         a single line:
> >
> >         @nasmw %*
> >
> >         The %* syntax means "all arguments" on Windows NT. I am not
> >         sure if it works on DOS/Win95.
> >
> >         2) The msisasm.asm custom build step refers to NASM by an
> >         absolute path (something like C:\tools\nasm) - I assume this
> >         reflects the original developer's configuration. It should
> >         be changed simply to NASM like the other .asm files.
> >
> > musicbrowser project
> >         1) There were several compile errors related to casting
> >         ScrollProc and TimerProc function pointers as if they returned
> >         int (instead of void, which they actually do return, and which
> >         Windows requires). I'm not sure I understand why they are being
> >         cast this way, but removing the casts allowed it to build clean.
> >
> > simple project
> >         This project had several errors at link time. It was not linking
> >         with the following libraries -- adding these libraries to the
> >         linker options solved the problem:
> >
> >         Freeamp libs: gdbm.lib fabaselib.lib
> >         Microsoft libs: version.lib wsock32.lib
> >
> > This just takes care of the build problems. Now let's see if it
> > actually runs. :)
> >
> >         c
> >
> > - ----------------------------------------------------
> > | Chad Loder - Somerville, MA, USA                 |
> > | EMail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        |
> > | Home Page: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/cloder    |
> > - ----------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Version: 2.6.2
> >
> > WQTQakGdV67Tet2lT/eDUl6bi/uAK/5XLrqaXPbPHE6DiXCIkfYMzHaXaoumMJnY
> > aU7+0+MhK5ZaGKy3pvf/dIrQlCJI/TpNMit+3PLbpzOhsSTZ9BFV5g/cmVrJlweB
> > P5QUnrEAqE8=
> > =0qRb
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > http://www.freeamp.org/mailman/listinfo/freeamp-dev
> _______________________________________________
> http://www.freeamp.org/mailman/listinfo/freeamp-dev

| Chad Loder - Somerville, MA, USA                 |
| EMail:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        |
| Home Page: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/cloder    |


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