there are only a few functions you havr to implement. xinglmc.cpp is wjat
you can use as your template. We are going to rewrite the entire audio
pipeline after 2.0 to support visualizations and effects plugins. that is
why we have not really documented it.


Bert Schiettecatte wrote:

> On Sat, 11 Dec 1999, Srinivas  A wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> >
> >               How do I write my own LMC plugin that uses my own
> > decoder and not Xing decoder?.
> >
> >               Is the article, 'how to write a LMC plug-in' ready?
> > I think, it is sufficient to rewrite xinglmc.cpp. Am I correct?. Can
> > anybody tried different decoder with FreeAmp?.
> I asked for this information too, a while ago ....
> Perhaps someone should write up a bit on the LMC plugin part?
> bert
> ____________________________________________________
> Bert Schiettecatte (1e lic. Inf)
> Vrije Universiteit Brussel
> WWW:
> -- To be a popular composer, what is it you must do?
> Perhaps to learn enough tricks that cause people to
> have pleasant sensations without too much stress.
> What are the tricks for making that catches on in
> a listener's mind, and keeps repeating long after
> the performance? -- M. Minsky
> _______________________________________________


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