On 06-Apr-2000 Man Chi Ly wrote:
> No more memory leaking..


> 2. No multiple-file select in the open files dialog box. I believe a
> standard GTK file dialog box is used, which should support multi-selection
> (either CTRL+click or drag a continuous range).

I disabled the multiple selections in those file selectors for some strange
reason..  don't remember why, so I'll reenable it in CVS in a bit.

> 3. Under Gnome, dropping a directory of mp3s onto Freeamp doesn't do the
> obvious thing: populate the playlist with the directory's mp3s and play.

I've been too scared to install or use gmc. =)  I don't like risking
filesystem corruption..  I'll give it a try later, though.

> 4. Switch from playlist to playlist is also awkward. If the current
> playlist is empty, selecting a playlist does the obvious thing: load and
> play. If the current playlist has any entries, loading a saved playlist
> effectively adds all of its songs to the current playlist, and doesn't
> begin playing.

Yup, this is a bug -- double clicking on a playlist in the tree (if the 'play
immediately' option is set) should be clearing the playlist and starting the 
new stuff..  I'm pretty sure this was how it worked not too long ago, I
must've broken it fixing some other random bug.  Easy to fix, it'll be in CVS

> I apologize if I missed anything obvious. Fyi, I'm now running RH 6.2,
> recently upgraded from 6.1. Congrats to the freeamp developers.. this is
> now good enough for me to use full-time.



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