On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Mark B. Elrod wrote:

> FreeAmp really does have too large of a memory footprint. It is a shame
> that the STL strings are such memory hogs. I think it is worth seeing how
> big of an improvement his suggestion can bring. If it is not that much of
> an improvement we drop it....right? If it is a big improvement we can all
> hammer on it and track down any lingering issues...

  I've mostly ignored the freeamp list, but I'll throw in my two bits.

  I would have to see some serious numbers on how much memory the patch
saved.  The advantages of using STL strings are very, very numerous.  They
are available for almost every platform, they are pretty well tested, and
most programmers know how to work with them.  My guess is that changing
string storage methods is not going to make a significant dent in the
footprint, given that the sound buffer for the music is probably at least
a half a meg and will only get bigger as better quality music becomes
common.  (At least I'm assuming the buffer size is seconds * bits/second,
it is in my code.)


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