so i did some reading up on stl strings and it appears they are copy on write. i do
not know if this is only for instances where you do this:

string foo, bar;

foo = "hello";
bar = foo;

and not for instances like this:

string foo, bar;

foo = hello;
bar = hello;

the results that isaac posted seem to indicate that the second case is copy on write
in which case the char store stuff won't save us any memory.... hmmmm.... need more
research to confirm/deny this theory.


Chris Kuklewicz wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 04:42:07PM -0400, Isaac Richards wrote:
> > Okay, I've checked this stuff out..  Few helpful tips =)
> >
> > - When generating a patch against CVS, please remember to update your local
> >   copy.
> Guilty.  Very guilty.
> I knowingly and cowardly and deliberately violated best practice.
> I am pretending that I am on a branch, since my changes are so scattered.
> I will bite that bullet in future cases.
> > - Remember to remove your editors temporary files..
> I tried with commands like:
> rm `find -name '*~' -o -name '.#*'`
> > - look at your patch before posting it =)
> Guilty as charged.  I only glanced at it.
> >
> > ie., freeamp-hashstore-1.cvs.patch.gz is 525k.  If you remove all the junk in
> > the patch, it goes down to 35k.
> Oooh.
> >
> > On to comments 'bout what it's doing.
> >
> > - Shouldn't MetaData::SetCharStore be called before the music catalog is loaded?
> I call that in unix main bootstrap.cpp and in the player ctor.
> That could be fixed.
> > - Memory usage before and after using the patch is identical.
> >
> >   Tested by loading freeamp, adding all tracks in MyMusic to the current
> >   playlist, and playing it.
> >
> >   CVS:       Size: 22624 RSS: 18832
> >   CVS+patch: Size: 22608 RSS: 18808
> >
> Damn.  What compile flags were use?  Not that it really matters....
> Since my coplies take forever I have not really tested the memory usage.
> Are duplicate STL strings copy on write?  Hmmm...
> As for the MVC widgets in gtk...we could just wait for the next version:
>      From: Havoc Pennington <hp redhat com>
>      To: bl tod dk
>      Cc: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
>      Subject: Re: New version of GTK+
>      Date: 08 Sep 2000 22:20:28 -0400
> Bo Lorentsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Havoc Pennington wrote:
> >
> > > The new text/tree widgets are totally incompatible with the old ones.
> > > (But again, the old ones remain in GTK+, so you don't have to port
> > > until you want to.) The text widget code is in CVS in mostly final
> > > form, and there's a testtext.c to look at. The tree widget is in the
> > > 'gtree' module in CVS and is still very much in flux.
> >
> > Does this mean that then next version will have real MVC layout, to make
> > it possible to display lager data lists (alias database's) ?
> >
> Yes, this feature was the primary motivation for the new widget. (Or
> at least one of the most important motivations.)
> Havoc
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