> > Now all this assumes you want to start each new search at the top of
> > the playlist.  If you want to start it form the currently (or most
> > recently played) song, then you could have a one function API:
> > 
> > "Go to first song after m_lastindex that matches the
> > pattern/type/casematters and play it"
> > 
> > Or you could mimic this by cylicing through the vector of results in
> > PlayFirst so the next song after m_lastindex is played.
> > 
> Okay, this is a well-thought out solution. However, I'm wondering how
> efficient it is to be allocating/dealllocating these search structures
> when the actual search will be changing often. This is because for a
> text-based player, searching is not a method of finding songs, it's a
> method of moving around. The only functions for changing the song in text
> mode are "previous" and "next". There are not even "10 forward" and "10
> back" options. (Although these would obviously be easy to do.) I figure,
> why go to the bother of creating these search structures and having to
> StartSearch/StopSearch when the search target is probably only one
> song? This is why I envision FindSong as part of PlaylistManager: It would
> start searching from the song immediatly after the current song, and
> search the list until it found something or hit the current song. The time
> spent searching is less, because you do not have to search the entire
> playlist, but instead search until the first result. It allows iteration
> because the same search run again will find the next song that matches,
> and then the song after that... And it doesn't require any memory
> allocation.

Okay, so you want the "Go to first song after m_lastindex that matches
the pattern/type/casematters and play it" function.

Excellent.  Now there is a clear plan: have both a "return all results
as a playlist" and the above solution.  The playlist is much more
complex, so first create the function that the console needs.

Here is a question to all:

For the pop-up search window I discussed before, what would be the
best design to allow all platforms to have the same thing?  Try to
be specific.


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