I modified the code in freeamp to do much improved RTP streaming over
the standard code about a year ago.  This code was packaged and released
under the name "MCTPlayer" available at http://www.mctplayer.com
I am providing the link for reference purposes only, however.

A much improved implementation for FreeAmp was written by Ross
Finlayson.  The code used his live.com library available at

To the best of my knowledge this code was never merged, though it added
SDP file support, RTSP support, various mp3 rtp transports, including
some FEC.

Ross was on this list, perhaps he can comment further.

Marty Schoch

On Tue, 2002-05-21 at 08:46, Laurent Violette wrote:
> Hi All, 
> I am actually setting up a robust MP3 rtp streaming server for a large firm
> in Europe.
> I am very interesting in Freeamp because it is open source and run on
> Windows as well as Linux.
> I would like to know if Freeamp can be embedded in a Web page like
> RealPlayer.
> If not, I plan to launch it using .sdp files but it still does not work
> (Freeamp write "Skipped corrupted file").
> How to write .sdp file in order Freeamp can read it ?
> Thanks.
> Laurent Violette
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