For the fourth year in a row, there will be a BSD advocacy booth and BSD
lectures at LinuxFest Northwest.

The free event will be on April 30 in Bellingham, Washington, USA. The
last two years had estimated attendance of over 1000 open source and Unix
users (each year).

This year, we have been given openings for four lectures. Are you
interested in giving a presentation or lecture with a BSD angle?

One idea is to have one of the lectures be an "Intro to BSD" with a panel
discussion. Would you be interested in helping with it?

Or are you interested in helping at the booth?

Or we can request an additional booth for NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD,
DragonFly, or other BSD.

Or are you able to prepare or provide flyers or other handouts?

Please let me know.

By the way, if you are in the Puget Sound area, please consider joining
the Seattle-area BSD Users Group BUG mailing list and participating at our
monthly meetings.


 Jeremy C. Reed

                         Low cost press releases

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