On 3/13/07, Julian Stacey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/3/13, Peter A. Giessel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Dell is actually asking what Linux Distro to install, but if enough of us
> > ask for preinstalled FreeBSD, it might get them thinking about FreeBSD and
> > looking into providing support and especially drivers in the future.

Tue Mar 13 21:28:11 CET 2007
That URL http://www.dell.com/linuxsurvey
results in:

We have encountered a problem while processing the page you requested.
If you experience any technical problems with your shopping experience
at dell.com, please contact one of our trained sales representatives
at 1-800-WWW-DELL to quickly complete your transaction. Or contact
us about the problem you have encountered.

Their website is being slashdotted right now. When you do finally get
to the survey select "Community Supported: Ubuntu" for the last
question. Ubuntu is based on Debian... Debian  in many respects is
equivalent to FreeBSD.
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