On Thu, 17 Apr 2008 14:04:07 +0200, "Julian H. Stacey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Please avoid un-necessary UTF-8. Ascii works better !
> Anyway, I & others did presentations one evening last year,
> feel free to use any data or tools etc you can from eg
> http://www.berklix.com/free/talk/
> http://www.berklix.com/free/talk/presentations/
> http://www.berklix.com/free/talk/presentations/export/1_intro_julian/current/
> Sources
> http://www.berklix.com/free/talk/presentations/source/1_intro_julian/current/
> PS a hint on lecturing:
> Think back over all the lectures youve attended, & all the different
> weird annoying distracting ineffective methods & habits all the
> different lecturers had, & avoid that list, & you're off to a good
> start just by avoiding that list :-)  Good Luck !

The BSDCan article of Robert Watson may also give a few good ideas:


Slides also available at:

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