On Wed, Sep 29, 1999 at 04:58:34PM +0000, Bob Bishop wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote:
> >     ===> usr.sbin/lpr/filters.ru
> >     ===> usr.sbin/lpr/filters.ru/koi2alt
> >     make: don't know how to make koi2alt.c. Stop
> >
> >Apparently because...
> >
> >     ache        1999/09/22 19:54:45 PDT
> >
> >       Removed files:
> >         usr.sbin/lpr/filters.ru koi2alt.c
> >       Log:
> >       moved to koi2alt
> >
> >...never made it here. What's the easiest way to get back in step? TIA
> I now suspect that cvsup.uk.freebsd.org isn't up-to-date. Anyone know anything?

Oops, it's public now. (bows head in shame.)  

Yes, there was a problem with the main UK cvsup server, from about the 19th.
I updated the machine to 3.3, and reinstalled all the ports.  Unfortunately
the cvsup-mirror port hadn't been updated (John did it today) to reflect the
changes made earlier in the year.  We now pull from cvsup-master, not freefall!
Thus, since the 19th we've been failing authentication and I didn't notice, cause
the internat stuff, which happens first, was working, and secondly, my home machine
doesn't currently have an internet connection because the I4B code hasn't been
ported to Stable and thus PPPoISDN doesn't work anymore.  I say anymore because
the other machine that it _was_ working on was running Brian's development copy
and the harddrive went *bang* for reasons of old age!

In summary - sorry, try again.  'Tis working now :)

Josef Karthauser        FreeBSD: How many times have you booted today?
Technical Manager       Viagra for your server (http://www.uk.freebsd.org)

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