At 03:14 PM 9/28/99 +0930, Greg Lehey wrote:
>> And the preferred method is...
>> a) /dev/da0
>> b) /dev/da0s1
>> c) /dev/da0s1e
>> (-current and -stable I hope :)
>(b) or (c).  (a) isn't a slice.  Note that it won't take slice c,

Thanks for the clarification.  Was recalling a past dicussion on how Vinum
determined what belonged to it .

Not using "c" is just plain common sense.

>>> It's surprising.  Good software shouldn't panic.  But this input is
>>> valuable, because now I know where to look.
>> Should have spoken up quite a while back.  Figured it was pilot error and
>> the panic was a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
>Read  It's also in

Again? ;)

May try some old pilot errors and see if I can panic it.  Just need to
recall what I was doing, since it happened when (almost) trying to break

Forgot to mention that software should not panic, but if you are doing
something wrong...

Goes back to recent mention of sanity checking.

>You don't want to use vinum read.  Just vinum start.  And I've found
>the bug (thanks, Brad).  I'll be committing a fix Real Soon Now.

So then if only the module is loaded and rc does nothing further then doing
a 'vinum read ...' is a Bad Thing.  Use 'start' myself, but just to clarify
for others.

>It's still in the pipeline.  I can't give any time frame.  There are
>some bugs I need to look at (,
>and then I can start thinking about it.

Perhaps I should have been more specific, but from what I understand there
are some issues with the boot process (space limitations?) and possibly
requiring other changes of a more significant nature beyond that, which you
were waiting for to come about first.

Jeff Mountin - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems/Network Administrator
FreeBSD - the power to serve
'86 Yamaha MaxiumX (not FBSD powered)

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