In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Poul-Henning Kamp writes:
: Well, I don't think anybody has seriously thought about what the right
: semantics for APM is, and consequently the code we have is rather evil.

Don't know if I'd go so far as to say evil, but there are some pola

: What to do is a definition question more than anything, and I guess the
: answer to the question:
:       if I call timeout(bla bla bla, 3600*hz) and suspend the machine
:       for half an hour, how long time after it resumes will I be
:       called ?
: will point the direction.

It will be called 3600*hz softclock ticks after the original timeout
was called, which could be >> a wall time of 1 hour.  I'd guess that it
would be after 1 hour and 30 minutes.

: In other words:
:       Do routes expire while suspended ?  
:       Do TCP timers tick ?
: I would say "they sure should do, because they relates to external
: events" (if we accept that as the answer we need to to call softclock
: a LOT of times when we come out of suspend).

Uggg.  That's right.  The current approach is to step the current time
by the amount of time we slept, based on rtc measurements (high
precision time keeping at its absolute worst).

: In reality we have not clear definition of "suspend" for a unix system,
: and the kernel may need to learn about "timeouts on the kernel consious 
: timescale" vs. "timeouts on the wallclock timescale" and similar hair.

Yes.  Some timeouts don't matter over a suspend (eg make sure that
this card isn't wedged) while some should take the suspend into
account (need to expire routes, arp entries, etc)


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