On Fri, Jan 21, 2000 at 03:34:42PM -0500, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> At 10:43 AM -0800 1/21/00, John Polstra wrote:
> >This is another in my series of occasional nags to try to get people
> >to use some of the less heavily loaded CVSup mirrors.  In the US
> >alone, we have 8 mirror sites now, named (duh) cvsup[1-8].FreeBSD.org.
> >The newest, cvsup8, is a very high-capacity and well-connected site,
> >yet hardly anybody is using it.  Please give it a try!
> Maybe you should make cvsup.freebsd.org as a rotary (of sorts),
> which returns a different IP address based on the callers IP
> address.  (or is that even possible?)  That way, any given
> host will always try the same cvsup server, but you'll be
> spreading the load out among the servers.

Dial-up users with dynamic ip address assignment ...

And to my best knowledge, BIND does not support anything
like that.

But what about simply changing cvsup.FreeBSD.org from
cvsup1 to 8, that would probably help some ...


Jesper Skriver, jesper(at)skriver(dot)dk  -  CCIE# 5456
Work:    Network manager @ AS3292 (Tele Danmark DataNetworks)
Private: Geek            @ AS2109 (A much smaller network ;-)

One Unix to rule them all, One Resolver to find them,
One IP to bring them all and in the zone to bind them.

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