At 4:43 PM -0500 2000/1/21, Garance A Drosihn wrote:

>>And to my best knowledge, BIND does not support anything
>>like that.
>  Not directly, but I think there are ways you can have it call
>  some external procedure to do "load-balancing" for an IP
>  rotary.  We talked about doing this to address a problem here
>  at RPI, but then we figured out an alternate solution so we
>  didn't really get to the point of implementing it.  I don't
>  know if that external load-balancing procedure is given the
>  IP address of the host doing the lookup, for instance.

        There are even ways you can give the same physical IP address to 
multiple machines, and let routing tricks deal with figuring out the 
shortest possible path from the client to the server, based on where 
they are.  Take a look at the nameservers for sometime from 
multiple different machines around the world.

   These are my opinions and should not be taken as official Skynet policy
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