Quoth Sheldon Hearn on Thu, 15 April:
: > : 3. Send patches.
: > 
: > And I certainly don't care enough to do that!-)
: So, what? You're just arguing for fun? If so, then you and everyone else
: doing like wise can just piss the hell off.

[redirected to chat]

No, I'm trying to contribute constructively to a discussion which may
affect policy in the future.  One party suggested that there was an
admitted problem in the current system, but that "we" didn't know how
to fix it.  I suggested a fix.  This makes it easier for anyone who
cares enough to (1) write the code, and (2) fight the mugwump
politics, to implement a solution to the benefit of everyone who uses
the code.

Do I care about this particular problem that much?  No.  My concerns
lie elsewhere.  I do think it is important the the actual problem be
recognized, and that its solvability within acceptable constraints be
recognized.  Otherwise, people may make bad decisions -- for example,
rejecting patches offered by persons for whom this issue is more

Besides, when someone makes a reasonable complaint and is derided
unfairly for it, it would be craven and despicable not to co-advocate.

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