> Simple Question.
 > If there were 'Closed'-Host-Controller-Interface with object-only driver,
 > Can the vendor make the Host controller  recognized without changing 
 > usb.c code?

If he exports a USB bus with the appropriate methods, he will be able to
drop it in, yes. You might have noticed when installing USB support that
you get a uhci0, usb0 and uhub0 device, basically all related to that
one 82371AB chip that is on your motherboard. 

The problem currently is that, because of the porting of the NetBSD USB
code, we use a mixed scheme, which makes things slightly more
complicated. There is a separate method export mechanism for the
UHCI/OHCI controllers.

The way this is implemented currently in the NetBSD code is ugly, to say
the least.

 > #That's what frustrated me while writing driver for smbus controller.

That is more of a design issue than something caused by newbus...


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