It is rumoured that Stefan Schmidt had the courage to say:
> i have got a problem with a router running FreeBSD 3.4-REL:
> Every three days or so it hangs, whiche means that the console is not
> responding any more, open tcp ports don't respond == are timing-out just
> like they're filtered. I guess the machine is just unable to start a
> shell. Oh and well it is appearently able to route as the machines behind
> it are reachable, and it does repond to pings.

Are you by any chance running SMP? I am having very similar problems with
-current (time to die is approx 10 days) on a box which does firewalling
and nat. 

And by the way, I do have DDB in my kernel, but the hang is really hard.
The box just freezes and there's no way to get to the debugger. Even serial
console is dead. 


Dave Boers. 

  Dave Boers             < djb @ relativity . student . utwente . nl >
  Don't let your schooling interfere with your education. (Mark Twain)

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