On Mon, 28 Feb 2000, Dave J. Boers wrote:

> It is rumoured that Stefan Schmidt had the courage to say:
> > i have got a problem with a router running FreeBSD 3.4-REL:
> > Every three days or so it hangs, whiche means that the console is not
> > responding any more, open tcp ports don't respond == are timing-out just
> > like they're filtered. I guess the machine is just unable to start a
> > shell. Oh and well it is appearently able to route as the machines behind
> > it are reachable, and it does repond to pings.
> Are you by any chance running SMP? I am having very similar problems with
> -current (time to die is approx 10 days) on a box which does firewalling
> and nat. 
erm, no not really , it is a 486 dunno how fast actually but somewhere
over 100Mhz with PCI-Bus, two NICs on the PCI and one 10mbit card on the
ISA-Bus for outgoing traffic. It does some firewalling, stealth-forwarding
and softupdates.

> And by the way, I do have DDB in my kernel, but the hang is really hard.
> The box just freezes and there's no way to get to the debugger. Even serial
> console is dead. 
dito, i mean i didn't compile DDB into the kernel but all consoles are

        Stefan Schmidt

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