On Mon, 31 May 2010 18:53:18 +0300, Mike Jakubik 
<mike.jaku...@intertainservices.com> wrote:
What about the thousands of ports? Also, have there been any tests done
to compare the performance of the compiled binaries vs gcc?

This import is in no way directly related to ports. Somehow people
have this weird idea that clang is replacing gcc, it isn't.
For now ports will be compiled with gcc just like they were before.
There are people working on getting ports to compile with clang,
but that's a different project[1][2], and in my opinion, is somewhat
offtopic for the current discussion.

As for performance, I'm not sure. I wouldn't expect clang compiled
binaries to be significantly faster/slower than gcc ones.

[1] http://wiki.freebsd.org/PortsAndClang
[2] http://wiki.freebsd.org/SOC2010AndriusMorkunas

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