On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 02:57:38PM -0500, Christopher Masto wrote:
> > Also, it's persistent for legitimate design reasons, just like files
> > are.  Applications need to clean up after themselves.
> You can have many more than 32 files.  Files are (usually)
> well-organized and have names, so you can wipe out your web browser's
> cache or lock file relatively easily.  Files take up a negligible
> fraction of the available file space.

That limitation is FreeBSDs fault and is correctable in the kernel
config file so it's really the administrator's fault.  For instance the
default on a recent Irix machine is 600 segments which a maximum size of
512MB each.  Solaris has nearly as many.

> SysV shared memory is limited, unnamed, unorganized, and uses up a
> very scarce resource.

Keys provide a limited sort of naming.  It's not hierarchical, but it
basicaly gives you 2^32 names which can be accessed exclusivly.  The
resource is only as scarce as the system admin makes it.  I don't like
FreeBSD's default limits, but they are just that, defaults.

> > The OS has no way of knowing whether an application wants its shared
> > memory segments to survive after it terminates.
> That's unfortunate.  That's one of the reasons I try to stay away from
> SysV IPC.  I don't like to have to reboot.

It would be nice if SysV IPC had a refrence counting mode (though anyone
who what they were doing could implement such a thing with a semaphore
to do the refcounting which is probalby why they didn't do it).  The
fact is though, there are significant cases where the OS *cannot* know
if the application is done or not.  SysV shm is really designed (as far
as I can tell) to be a low level API, somewhere around the level of
malloc.  It's not a complete solution and that's the trap people keep
falling into.  You have to implement that goop to go around it.  It's
not really that hard and most of it is write once, use over and over
again.  If you use ipcrm you don't have to reboot.

I've spent the last couple weeks hacking on some code which uses SysV
shared memory and semaphores.  It's really not that bad.  You just have
to get into the proper mindset.

-- Brooks

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