> So, please, someone, somewhere, share a success story, where you're
> using FreeBSD, ZFS, and HAST.  Let me know that it does work.  I'm
> starting to lose faith in my abilities here.  :(

I ran our main database for the old company using ZFS on top of HAST
without any problems at all. Had a single HAST disc with a zpool on
top of it, and mysql on top of that. All worked perfectly for us.

Am not running that currently as the company went under and we lost the
hardware. But am working for a new business and am about to deploy the
same configuration for the main database as its "tried and tested" as
far as I am concerned.

Will be slightly different, as I will have a pair of HAST drives and do
mirroring over the top with ZFS. But I shall report back how well, or
not, it works.

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