Am 03/29/12 21:50, schrieb Eric van Gyzen:
> On 03/29/12 09:18, O. Hartmann wrote:
>> I was wondering if there are some objections using TMPFS for /tmp and
>> /var/run.
> For /tmp, what exactly do you mean?
> If you want to use tmpfs instead of md/mdmfs when tmpmfs="YES" in
> rc.conf, I have no opinion.

Aren't MDMFS backed filesystems of static size? And haven't they to be
created first before they can be used? Using TMPFS seems toi be a more
convenient way to me - dynamical (?), using a fstab entry for convenience.

> However, if you always want to use tmpfs instead of stable storage,
> please do not.  Some people expect /tmp to be persistent.  This is why
> /etc/defaults/rc.conf has clear_tmp_enable="NO".  Changing this would
> break the POLA.
> Cheers,
> Eric

I have   set clear_tmp_enable="YES". I treat /tmp as it is: temporary.
No one should change the default setting.

Well, SSDs become more and more popular, even for heavy duty servers.
Still facing the waer-off problemacy with NAND flash memory, I'd would
feel better have the main memory used by the volatile filesystems like
/var/run and /tmp which get rewritten quite often.

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