On Aug 23, 2012, at 9:57 PM, Eitan Adler wrote:

> On 23 August 2012 18:19, Steve Wills <swi...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It seems to me that renaming the pkg binary in /usr/sbin/pkg to 
>> /usr/sbin/pkg-bootstrap would make sense. From a user standpoint, it is 
>> confusing that running the command gets different results the second time it 
>> is run vs. the first time. I can imagine a user saying "I ran pkg, but it 
>> didn't do what they said it would.  Now I run it again, and it does do what 
>> it is supposed to." Also, it would enable setting up a pkg-bootstrap man 
>> page separate from the pkg man page, without confusion about which one 
>> you're looking at.
>> So, opinions? There may still be time to fix it for 9.1 if we can decide 
>> quickly.
> no opinion on the name, but imho there should be *something* called
> "pkg" on a fresh system. Users will install a new system, follow some
> random how-to, and not realize they missed a step. If the default
> package errors with exit code 1 and says "run pkgbootstrap first" that
> is okay too.

Why can't one of those steps be to run "pkg-bootstrap"?


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