> On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Joe Greco wrote:
> > >         In other words, if we're going to be replacing sendmail with an 
> > > alternative MTA, I'd prefer postfix over qmail, and I believe I can 
> > > marshall some pretty strong arguments for that position.
> > 
> > Perhaps it's time to revisit something I proposed several years ago.
> > 
> > Remove Sendmail from the base system - or, at least, make it a "package"
> > that is removable with the package management tool.  Then be able to add
> > another mailer (or an updated Sendmail) in its place.  Ideally, Sendmail
> > would be available as a package for installation as part of the base
> > system, just like games or info or proflibs.
> > 
> > I would love to see this happen with other components of the system as
> > well, such as BIND.
> > 
> > While it is fantastic that FreeBSD comes out of the box so fully
> > functional, it does make it a bit of a pain for those of us who intend
> > to build servers - we have to disable the original before installing a
> > new package.  :-/
> I always keep hearing the same line.  You guys *know* perfectly well how
> to do it, and it's not a big thing to you, you even admit it's only "a bit
> of a pain".  To most of the rest of the world, it's a huge thing, and they
> don't have the least clue how to do it.  If you guys want so desperately
> to make things 1% easier, why have I never seen anyone bring out a
> parallel "sparse" FreeBSD?  It wouldnt' be a large thing to do, and you
> who keep on asking for it, you know that very well.
> Just have a reasonable bit of compassion for everyone else.  That's not to
> say the huge hurt it would do to FreeBSD to all reviewers and the public
> at large, just to save you "a bit of a pain".

Uh, Chuck, can you tell me how many BIND and Sendmail advisories there have
been in the last five years?

Wouldn't it be nice if we could just tell newbies, "hey, yeah, that Sendmail
has a known security issue, pkg_delete it and then add this new one here". 
Or would you prefer to explain to someone who doesn't "have the least clue 
how to do it" how to upgrade BIND and Sendmail to the latest?

The concept is beneficial from _many_ angles, not just the one I gave. 

Despite my tendency to promote the traditional BSD distribution style, that
does not mean that I feel that everything in FreeBSD should arrive as it did
on the 4.4BSD tape.  I think that the ability to be able to select modules
for inclusion or exclusion would be particularly useful.

... Joe

Joe Greco - Systems Administrator                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Solaria Public Access UNIX - Milwaukee, WI                         414/342-4847

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