On Nov 6, 2013, at 3:32 PM, Glen Barber wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 06, 2013 at 11:28:25PM +0000, Teske, Devin wrote:
>> We do not ever want to display the contents of the SVR record in the list.
>> There are multiple pkg*.freebsd.org SVR zones.
> You do not need to show any servers except pkg.FreeBSD.org.

Bapt *just* got finished telling me in IRC that we should also list:


Which I assume to be the same make/model of pkg.f.o (does not
return an A or AAAA but only SVR).

If that is the case (that pkg.eu.f.o is just like pkg.f.o -- and it just
happens to be a name that returns SVR names for servers local
to Europe), then I don't see why we would want to omit this.

I'm not the only one you have to convince...

bapt was the one that brought up the existence of the other names.

>  In fact,
> you can use that by default, and not show any servers at all.  Do not
> add more complexity to this than there needs to be.  By adding explicit
> listing of servers here, you are putting a dependency on clusteradm that
> is not necessary at all.

I want to get some confusion out of the way...

I do not want to add even one single name that resolves to an A or AAAA.

I want *only* names that resolve to SVR.

I've just heard from bapt that pkg.f.o is not the only such name, that there
are other such names that similarly do not return A or AAAA.

I don't see the increase in complexity or maintenance.

I'm asking for locale-specific CDN names.

The user ought to be able to choose the master CDN or a locale-specific
CDN. This is not rocket science.

> Glen

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