Den 10/11/2013 kl. 09.45 skrev Julian Elischer <>:
> it would be interesting to know what you did. and what conclusions you came 
> to..

I created a system with a build server, a set of slaves, and a website to 
collect and publish the benchmark data in graphs and raw data and highlight 
significant changes.

The build server built FreeBSD and any required ports and benchmark software, 
and bundled it in installation images complete with a script to run the 
benchmarks on the slave and push data to the website.

The slaves were dedicated machines that booted via PXE, wiped the hard drive, 
fetched and installed an image and proceeded to run the specified benchmarks.

The website published graphs, and the graphs were linked to useful related data 
like raw measurements, slave hardware, commit messages, changed source files 
and binaries etc.

It actually worked pretty well. I only ran benchmarks over a couple of months 
of commits, but I did identify some significant regressions in MySQL and some 
of the unixbench microbenchmarks. I did not spend much time designing the 
benchmarking strategy, and “symbolics” has many good points there. I did find 
out that all the current continuous integration / performance benchmark 
frameworks (Jenkins etc) did not play well with a situation where the entire 
operating system is reinstalled.

A wide range of useful benchmarks can be collected in just 10-20 minutes, but 
building FreeBSD and all the ports takes much longer than that (1-2 hours using 
the default procedure from the handbook). Most of my work went into optimizing 
build times, installation image sizes and slave installation times, so I could 
build an image in just 10-15 minutes and use ca. 10MB disk space amortized, and 
install an image on a slave in just 2 minutes (cheap 2008-era hardware).

But having a complete archive of ready-to-install images for each commit is a 
real advantage, not just for performance benchmarking. Imagine being able to 
fetch a VirtualBox disk image for a random SVN commit, booting it and start 
debugging right away. Or you could write a script to test if a bug is present 
in a FreeBSD installation, and then let an automated process do a binary search 
to find the offending commit in maybe less than an hour.

My work was completed in 2008 and would (at least) require updating the scripts 
to handle the upgrade from GCC to Clang, and from CVS to SVN.

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