On 26 Nov 2013, at 12:10, Anthony Perkins <anth...@acperkins.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 09:58:12PM +0000, Mark Robert Vaughan Murray
> wrote:
>> You may want to extend your idea a bit and do what par (ports/textproc/par)
>> does. This is a paragraph reformatter that takes the quoting into account,
>> replacing it after the paragraph wrapping.
> I did consider doing this but decided against it on the basis that
> the incoming mail from the previous sender was unpredictable.  If
> it included, for example, a list of a few short sentences or bullet
> points these would all be combined into one long paragraph in the
> reply.

Not true. In fact par is rather good at preserving changing indent levels.
Its not perfect, but its darn good.

> If others also feel this would be desirable I will look at implementing
> it with an updated patch.

Yes please!

Mark R V Murray

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