On Sun, Sep 07, 2014 at 04:03:59PM -0700, Craig Rodrigues wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using pkg 1.3.7.
> I did the following as a regular user, not root:
> rm -fr /tmp/package
> cd /usr/src
> make buildworld
> make buildkernel
> make  -DNO_ROOT -DDB_FROM_SRC  installworld DESTDIR=/tmp/package
> make  -DNO_ROOT -DDB_FROM_SRC  installkernel DESTDIR=/tmp/package
> make  -DNO_ROOT -DDB_FROM_SRC  distribution DESTDIR=/tmp/package
> This created an installed world under /tmp/package
> Then I did:
> pkg -c /tmp/package install -y devel/kyua
> I got:
> pkg: chroot failed!
> Then I tried the same command under sudo:
> sudo pkg -c /tmp/package install -y devel/kyua
> I got:
> pkg: /var/db/pkg wrong user or group ownership (expected 0/0 versus actual
> 818/0)
> Is there a way to install packages into chroot without
> being root?

If you don't mind the ownership being wrong and there being a few extra
+FOO files tar works.  It would be great for someone to teach package to
install without root and to update a METALOG file.  That's not 100% of
the solution, but it's a solid 80-90% solution.

-- Brooks

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