On 03/31/15 02:15, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 02:51:47AM +0300, Konstantin Belousov wrote:
On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 01:41:04AM +0300, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 12:30:04AM +0200, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
H> On 03/30/15 23:19, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
H> > On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 03:02:28PM -0700, Manfred Antar wrote:
H> > M> I get the following panic on current svn ver  r280793:
H> > M>
H> > M> Sat Mar 28 14:41:28 PDT 2015
H> > M>
H> > M> FreeBSD/amd64 (pozo.com) (ttyu0)
H> > M>
H> > M> panic: Invalid CPU in callout 16
H> >
H> > The same happened to me in the OFED code. After investigation
H> > it appeared that for some unknown reason, the OFED code used
H> > /usr/include/sys/callout.h instead of SYSDIR/sys/callout.h,
H> > that yield in wrong value passing as parameter.
H> >
H> > I failed to reproduce the problem. :( So, the fix is a rebuild
H> > of kernel. But the right fix is to understand what went wrong
H> > in the previous build.
H> How did you compile the OFED stuff? Did you set the SYSDIR variable when
H> building?

I just have this in my kernel config:

options         OFED
device          mlxen

Quick grep of the sys/ofed immediately shows the following:

sys/ofed/include/linux/wait.h:#include <sys/param.h>
sys/ofed/include/linux/wait.h:#include <sys/systm.h>
sys/ofed/include/linux/wait.h:#include <sys/sleepqueue.h>
sys/ofed/include/linux/wait.h:#include <sys/kernel.h>
sys/ofed/include/linux/wait.h:#include <sys/proc.h>

ys/ofed/include/linux/timer.h:#include <sys/callout.h>
sys/ofed/include/linux/types.h:#include <sys/cdefs.h>
sys/ofed/include/linux/types.h:#include <sys/types.h>
sys/ofed/include/linux/types.h:#include <sys/param.h>
sys/ofed/include/linux/types.h:#include <sys/systm.h>

and so on.

Err, I am sorry, scratch this.


Could you:

cd sys/amd64/conf

cd ../compile/YOURCONFIG
less Makefile

and see if it includes something outside /sys ?

OFED uses its own CFLAGS and check if some include directives have space after the "-Ixxxspace", because then this simple flag conversion will fail:


Thank you!


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