On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 03:24:19PM +0300, Andrey Chernov wrote:
> On 15.11.2015 10:09, John Marino wrote:
> > We (DragonFly) didn't just update locales.  We took the opportunity to
> > do spring cleaning.  We didn't want to be as drastic as OpenBSD which
> > removed all encodings except for C/POSIX and UTF, but we did remove
> > several locales intentionally.
> > 
> > In the case of ISO8859-1:
> > All ISO8859-* is basically obsolete.
> > In western Europe, if somebody wants ISO-8859, they want ISO8859-15, not
> > ISO8859-1.  They are similar, but the former is tailored for western
> > europe with "Euro" currency and 9 other symbols.  It comes at the
> > expense of removing 10 characters from ISO8859-1.  There's also a common
> > problem that users view -15 documents with -1 accidently.  So there was
> > a conscience decision to have either ISO8859-1 or ISO8859-15 but not
> > both.  For western Europe this means the ISO8859-1 versions were dropped.
> ISO8859-1 locales are legacy even if obsoleted in modern world (I agree
> with that). Lots of ports (even at configure stage!) have checks for
> them. Since we generate locales from CLDR now, it will be no cost to
> bring all 8859-1 back to not violate POLA and not fix every failing port.
Exp-run have been made and no ports were failing with the removed locales.

Best regards,

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