On 11/15/2015 4:38 PM, Andrey Chernov wrote:
> On 15.11.2015 18:17, John Marino wrote:
>> For the traditional checks, It's ironic, DragonFly uses short locales
>> like "fr_FR" which link to the approprioprate ISO8859 or UTF-8 locale.
>> Bapt removed them to avoid a bike shed and if he had not done that, this
>> gettext configure would not be an issue as "fr_FR" is the very first check.
> All parts are optional excepting language itself, so fr_FR is not short
> enough, but fr is. From POSIX:
> language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier]

"fr" (or "french") by itself isn't very useful, so IMO
language_territory is the minimum.

> But I dislike short locales due to their uncertainty and remember some
> programs and shell scripts that attempts to parse locale name directly
> by itself for reasons I don't remember now.

Absolutely true about the uncertainty.  It's just subjective.  We did
what we thought made sense but bapt recognized an impeding bikeshed and
just did away with it.

For some reason gettext-tools only cares about french and japanese (thus
easily patched).  Here's what it looks like on current DragonFly:


Note the identified traditional french is "fr_FR" which maps to
fr_FR.ISO8859-15 on DragonFly.

It's a moot point now I guess.  ISO8859-1 has returned to FreeBSD for
western europe (probably forever).


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