On 04/10/18 11:25, Andriy Gapon wrote:
On 10/04/2018 15:27, Andrew Gallatin wrote:
Is there something like tools/diag/prtblknos for ZFS?


It has a manual page, but in the case like this you typically want to run
zdb -d[d*] <ZFS filesystem name> <file's inode number>
Add d-s until you get all the information you want.

It looks like five d-s is needed to get individual blocks reported.

Thanks for the instructions!

How do I interpret this output:

<3:45pm>viserion/gallatin:~>ls -li /boot//kernel/vmm.ko
231484 -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  371168 Apr  7 15:05 /boot//kernel/vmm.ko*
<3:46pm>viserion/gallatin:src>sudo zdb -ddddd tank/ROOT/12.0-CURRENT-20180407.104009 231484 Dataset tank/ROOT/12.0-CURRENT-20180407.104009 [ZPL], ID 260, cr_txg 16768182, 19.9G, 292309 objects, rootbp DVA[0]=<0:4565c5a5000:1000> DVA[1]=<1:1f1ba52b000:1000> [L0 DMU objset] fletcher4 uncompressed LE contiguous unique double size=800L/800P birth=16821145L/16821145P fill=292309 cksum=f1c0930f9:12c49ea8e701:e036d6305e6ca:79eca698e0476d9

    Object  lvl   iblk   dblk  dsize  lsize   %full  type
    231484    2   128K   128K   392K   384K  100.00  ZFS plain file
                                        168   bonus  System attributes
        dnode maxblkid: 2
        path    /boot/kernel/vmm.ko
        uid     0
        gid     0
        atime   Sat Apr  7 17:06:06 2018
        mtime   Sat Apr  7 15:05:48 2018
        ctime   Sat Apr  7 15:05:48 2018
        crtime  Sat Apr  7 14:08:21 2018
        gen     16768195
        mode    100555
        size    371168
        parent  229378
        links   1
        pflags  40800000104
Indirect blocks:
0 L1 1:1f01016c000:1000 20000L/1000P F=3 B=16769122/16769122 0 L0 1:1f00f9e3000:20000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=16769122/16769122 20000 L0 1:1f00fa03000:20000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=16769122/16769122 40000 L0 1:1f00fa23000:20000 20000L/20000P F=1 B=16769122/16769122

                segment [0000000000000000, 0000000000060000) size  384K


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