hi there - i have an amd64 laptop that's been running CURRENT for a while using both drm-next and drm-stable for graphics. during the past week or so i've run into issues with suspend resume...well technically resume has stopped working.  i've tested a couple configurations and none have allowed my system to resume successfully:

- drm-next installed with DMC firmware loaded
- drm-next installed without DMC firmware loaded (worked previously)
- drm-stable with DMC
- drm-stable without DMC
- no drm modules loaded.

I've also tested these configs with the following sysctl set to 0 and 1:

at this point i'd like to help find what the regression i'm running into is, so any pointers on how i can help? the system seems to boot and i'm pretty sure i can ssh into it most times, just not sure what info i should grab to help.  nothing of interest in messages or dmesg buffer either.


Pete Wright

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