On 5/20/19 9:46 AM, Markus Graf wrote:

Hello Anthony,

I know I am not technically answering your question.
Just in case you don't really care about the resolution but want bigger fonts.
You can get nice big letters by setting:
in rc.conf

Thanks Markus,

That solution will work for when init(8) runs the RC scripts, but doesn't get me bigger text when the loader and kernel are spewing messages.  But that is better than nothing, and will at least allow me to use vt(4) again without a magnifying glass.

Best regards


Anthony Jenkins via freebsd-x11 <freebsd-...@freebsd.org> writes:

I'm running (a somewhat dated) FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT (git commit 68c8581f7, Tue. Feb 12 13:01:55 2019) on a UEFI laptop with an Intel UHD display, booting a ZFS root filesystem (gptzfsboot(8)).
CORRECTION: I installed (merged) /boot/boot1.efifat in the existing EFI system partition; I didn't install /boot/gptzfsboot into a freebsd-boot partition.

Reference: https://wiki.freebsd.org/RootOnZFS/GPTZFSBoot#Manually_Installing_FreeBSD_on_ZFS

I'm trying to get the console into a lower resolution than the native UHD when the kernel is booted. I can manually do this by breaking into the loader prompt at boot and entering 'mode 1', then 'boot'. loader.conf(5) says I can run this command automatically with the 'exec' directive, but the video mode doesn't change.

$ sudo cat /boot/loader.conf
exec="mode 1"

I've also tried using directive 'efi_max_resolution' - same result. Does 'exec' work on my configuration (UEFI boot, ZFS root), or am I not using it right? I've tried putting other loader commands in 'exec' with no effect. Same question for efi_max_resolution.

A separate question (possibly for graphics@ or x11@) is when the i915(4) kernel module from the graphics/drm-current-kmod port is loaded by rc.conf(4)'s 'kld_list' variable. When I do manually set the console resolution using 'mode 1', it is reset to maximum resolution when i915(4) is loaded.

Thanks in advance,
Anthony Jenkins
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